Course Description

Social Media College

Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the Unit!

    • Welcome

    • Diploma Overview

    • Unit Structure

    • Your Learning Experience

    • Your Workbook

    • Connect With Us

    • Let's Do It! Choose Your Case Study Organisation

    • Let's Talk! Introducing You

    • Join the Revolution, and the Australian Marketing Institute SME Hub

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    Module #1 Introduction to Strategy

    • Introduction to Strategy

    • 1.1 Setting the Stage

    • 1.2 Social Media Users In Australia

    • 1.3 Usage Patterns

    • 1.4 Social Media Marketing Opportunities

    • 1.5 How Social Media Marketing Can Help

    • 1.6 Let's Talk! What do you know?

    • 1.7 The Mysterious Newsfeed Algorithms

    • 1.8 Social Media Marketing Trends

    • 1.9 Social Media Marketing Strategy

    • 1.10 The Social Media Marketing Process

    • 1.11 Understanding the Social Media Marketing Process

    • 1.12 Strategy in Context

    • 1.13 Developing Your Social Media Strategy

    • 1.14 Let's Do It! Vision, Mission, Values

    • 1.15 Buyer Stages

    • 1.16 Strategic Ideas

    • 1.17 The 8-step Strategy Process

    • Let's Review

    • Module 1 Quiz

    • Module 1 Conclusion

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    Module #2 Start Where You Are

    • Start Where You Are

    • 2.1 The Social Media Audit

    • 2.2 Conducting a Social Media Audit

    • 2.3 Let's Talk! SWOTing your audit skills

    • 2.4 Review Online Presence

    • 2.5 Social Media Presence Template

    • 2.6 Let’s Do It! Review Online Presence

    • 2.7 Assess Profile Consistency

    • 2.8 Assess Profile Consistency Template and Example

    • 2.9 Let’s Do It! Assess Profile Consistency

    • 2.10 Analyse Performance

    • 2.11 Analyse Performance Example and Template + Combined Audit Template

    • 2.12 Let’s Do It! Analyse Performance

    • 2.13 Examine Competitors

    • 2.14 Let’s Do It! Examine Competitors

    • 2.15 Review SEO Results

    • 2.16 Let’s Do It! Review SEO Results

    • 2.17 Brand Identity

    • 2.18 Brand Identity Canvas Example and Template

    • 2.19 Let's Do It! Determine Brand Identity

    • 2.20 Conduct a SWOT Analysis

    • 2.21 Let’s Do It! Conduct A SWOT Analysis

    • Let's Review

    • Module 2: Quiz

    • Module 2 Conclusion

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    Module #3 Setting Social Media Objectives

    • Setting Social Media Objectives

    • 3.1 Introduction

    • 3.2 Top Down Strategy

    • 3.3 XERO example

    • 3.4 Buyer stages

    • 3.5 Awareness Metrics

    • 3.6 Consideration Metrics

    • 3.7 Decision Metrics

    • 3.8 Buyer Stages and Quantitative Objectives

    • 3.9 Xero Example – Quantitative Objectives

    • 3.10 Buyer stages and Qualitative Objectives

    • 3.11 Xero Example – Qualitative Objectives

    • 3.12 Set ‘S.M.A.R.T.’ Objectives and B.H.A.G.s

    • 3.13 Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

    • 3.14 Buyer Stages and Social Media Tactics

    • 3.15 Social Media Objectives Example and Template

    • 3.16 Let's Do it! Set Social Media Objectives

    • Let's Review

    • Module 3 Quiz

    • Module 3 Conclusion

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    Module #4 Identifying Your Audience

    • Identifying Your Audience

    • 4.1 Audience Personas

    • 4.2 Creating Audience Personas

    • 4.3 Unique Audience Personas

    • 4.4 Audience Segments

    • 4.5 Persona Information Categories

    • 4.6 Persona Demographics

    • 4.7 Interests/Lifestyle

    • 4.8 Researching Online Behaviours

    • 4.9 Why Audience Personas Matter

    • 4.10 Audience Personas Influence ...

    • 4.11 Using my Audience Persona Information

    • 4.12 Where to start?

    • 4.13 Native Insights

    • 4.14 Staying up-to-date

    • 4.15 Target Audience Analysis Example and Template

    • 4.16 Let's Do It! Love Your Stats

    • 4.17 Audience Persona Canvas

    • 4.18 Let's Do It! Meet Your Audience

    • Let's Review

    • Module 4: Quiz

    • Module 4 Conclusion

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    Module #5 Choosing the Right Channels

    • Choosing the Right Channels

    • 5.1 Be Strategic About Selecting Your Channels

    • 5.2 Let's Talk! YOUR Favourite Channel

    • 5.3 The Big 5

    • 5.4 Facebook

    • 5.5 Instagram

    • 5.6 LinkedIn

    • 5.7 Twitter

    • 5.8 YouTube

    • 5.9 Audience Usage

    • 5.10 Channel Usage

    • 5.11 Channel Purpose

    • 5.12 Let's Do It! Personas meet Channels

    • 5.13 Content and Channel Choice

    • 5.14 What Type of Content Works Best?

    • 5.15 Buyer Stages and Channel Choice

    • 5.16 Existing Software and Systems

    • 5.17 Costs and Maintenance

    • 5.18 Mainstream vs Niche Channels

    • 5.19 Let's Do It! Time to Choose!

    • Let's Review

    • Module 5: Quiz

    • Module 5 Conclusion

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    Module #6 Content Strategy

    • Content Strategy

    • 6.1 Let's Talk! A Few of Your Favourite Things

    • 6.2 Content is King … but

    • 6.3 Content Categories

    • 6.4 Created Content

    • 6.5 Curated Content

    • 6.6 Don't 'Steal' Content

    • 6.7 Co-created Content

    • 6.8 Co-created Content Considerations

    • 6.9 User Generated Content

    • 6.10 Let's Do It! Categorise that!

    • 6.11 Content Purpose and Planning Template

    • 6.12 Content Decisions

    • 6.13 Let’s Do It! What's Your Content?

    • 6.14 Owned, Paid, Earned or All of Them?

    • 6.15 Media and Content Formats

    • 6.16 Content and Buyer Stages

    • 6.17 Buyer stages and Content - Awareness

    • 6.18 Buyer stages and Content - Consideration

    • 6.19 Buyer stages and Content - Decision

    • 6.20 Content Creation

    • 6.21 Stock image/video sites offer great content

    • 6.22 Use Canva to quickly design high quality posts

    • 6.23 Other image and video editing tools

    • 6.24 Reusing Content

    • 6.25 Content Scheduling

    • 6.26 Monitoring of Social Media Activity

    • 6.27 Content Calendar, Example and Templates

    • 6.28 Encouraging Engagement

    • 6.29 Developing Customer Service Strategies Example and Template

    • 6.30 Pillar Content Strategy Example and Template

    • 6.31 Social Media Content Strategy Example

    • 6.32 Social Media Strategy Alignment

    • 6.33 Content Strategy Examples and Templates

    • 6.34 Let's Do It! Build Your Content Strategy

    • Let's Review

    • Module 6 Quiz

    • Module 6 Conclusion

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    Module #7 Being Social

    • Being Social

    • 7.1 Ways to be social

    • 7.2 Collaboration

    • 7.3 Let's Do It! Collaborations!

    • 7.4 Influencers

    • 7.5 Influencer Marketing Stats

    • 7.6 Benefits of Influencer Marketing

    • 7.7 Constraints of Influencer Marketing

    • 7.8 Types of Influencers

    • 7.9 Selecting the Right Influencer

    • 7.10 Popular influencer marketing platforms

    • 7.11 Let's Do It! Find Some Influencers!

    • 7.12 Community Management

    • 7.13 Netflix: ... it’s hot

    • 7.14 Let's Do It! A positive response

    • 7.15 Building Your Online Community

    • 7.16 Social Listening

    • 7.17 Community Management Best Practice

    • 7.18 Let's Talk! Incoming!

    • 7.19 Let's Do It! What’s NOT your tone?

    • 7.20 Audience Feedback

    • Let's Review

    • Module 7 Quiz

    • Module 7 Conclusion

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    Module #8 Implementing the Strategy

    • Implementing the Strategy

    • 8.1 The Limits of Organic Reach

    • 8.2 Paid Advertising

    • 8.3 Targeting Your Paid Social Advertisements

    • 8.4 Paid Advertising and Buyer Stages

    • 8.5 Let's Do It! Why me?

    • 8.6 Creating a Social Media Budget Template

    • 8.7 Cost Categories

    • 8.8 Let's Do It! Budget time

    • 8.9 Identifying Required Resources

    • 8.10 Role Functions

    • 8.11 Meet The Strategy Team

    • 8.12 Meet The Creative Team

    • 8.13 Meet The Community Management Team

    • 8.14 Let's Talk! Your experience

    • 8.15. Action Plan

    • 8.16 Action Plan Phases

    • 8.17 Action Plan Template and Example

    • 8.18 Insource or Outsource?

    • 8.19 Let's Do It! Action Plan

    • 8.20 Legal and Ethical Requirements

    • 8.21 Copyright is …

    • 8.22 Australian Regulations and Law

    • 8.23 Data Privacy

    • 8.24 Social Media Channel Terms of Use and Advertising Policies

    • 8.25 Ethical Constraints

    • 8.26 Let's Do It! Reducing Risk

    • 8.27 Social Media Management Tools

    • 8.28 Tool Selection Criteria

    • 8.29 Native Social Media Tools

    • 8.30 Third-Party Tools

    • 8.31 Web analytics tools

    • 8.32 Let's Talk! Your experience again!

    • 8.33 Creating a Social Media Policy

    • 8.34 Social Media Crisis Management

    • 8.35 Developing a Social Media Crisis Management Plan Example and Template

    • 8.36 Policies and Procedure Alignment

    • Let's Review

    • Module 8 Quiz

    • Module 8 Conclusion

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    Module #9 Analysing and Reporting

    • Analysing and Reporting

    • 9.1 Metrics That Matter

    • 9.2 Aligning with Buyer Stages

    • 9.3 Awareness/Connect

    • 9.4 Consideration/Convince

    • 9.5 Decision/Convert

    • 9.6 Let's Do It! Your metrics

    • 9.7 Tracking Expenses

    • 9.8 Let's Do It! We’ve blown the budget!

    • 9.9 Measuring Effectiveness

    • 9.10 Investment/Costs

    • 9.11 Return on Investment

    • 9.12 Cost per Action

    • 9.13 Let's Do It! Calculators Out!

    • 9.14 Performance Reports

    • 9.15 Period and Trend Reports

    • 9.16 Online Art Store: Monthly KPIs

    • 9.17 Reporting Procedures

    • 9.18 What To Include and Reporting Templates

    • 9.19 Let's Do It! Report!

    • 9.20 Social Media Reporting Software

    • Let's Review

    • Module 9: Quiz

    • Module 9 Conclusion

    • SIRXMKT006 Develop a Social Media Strategy – Feedback

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    SIRKMKT006 Develop a Social Media Strategy – Assessment

    • Let's Assess – Assessment Task 1 - Built-in submission option (delete this lesson if using the integration option)

    • Let's Assess - Assessment Task 1 - Integration option (delete this lesson if using the built-in submission option)

    • SIRXMKT006 Assessment Task 1 Feedback

    • Let's Assess – Assessment Task 2 - Built-in submission option (delete this lesson if using the integration option)

    • Let's Assess - Assessment Task 2 - Integration option (delete this lesson if using the built-in submission option)

    • SIRXMKT006 Assessment Task 2 Feedback

    • SIRXMKT006 Develop a Social Media Strategy – Conclusion